At Everlasting Window & Door, we know just how annoying window condensation can be for you. Each morning you wake up and wipe down all the windows in your house, each evening before bed you wipe all the windows in your house, and before long you’re replacing your windows thanks to the condensation. In case you aren’t aware, window condensation can damage plaster and wood trimming, creating interior condensation. Window condensation often happens in the winter time. When the warm air in your home comes into cold surfaces, condensation begins to form. We want to help you understand just what window condensation is and how to deal with it.

Types of Condensation

There are often three different types of condensation: interior, exterior, and between the glass. Each of these types of window condensation has different meanings to it. Below, we explain what each type of condensation means and what measures can help you.


Interior window condensation often times means that there is high humidity inside the house. However, this automatically happens when you shower or cook in your house, so don’t be concerned about condensation during these moments. As we’ve mentioned, interior condensation is very common in winter months. The warmer the air is inside the house and the colder it is outside the house, the more likely interior window condensation will occur. If you notice interior window condensation and are constantly wiping away, you want to keep an eye out for which windows have the most condensation to avoid interior issues.


Exterior condensation is not as damaging as interior condensation in the long run to your home. This often happens when there is high humidity outside, and the inside of your home is nice and cool. Exterior condensation is common in the summertime when your air conditioning is allowing warm, humid air to stay outside. While it is not as damaging long-term, you want to be sure you are wiping away the condensation from the outside of the windows to prevent dripping and future problems underneath your windows.  

Between the Glass

Condensation between window panes is not as common as interior or exterior condensation and may require window replacement. You want to be sure you completely clean your windows so you can determine if the condensation is between the window panes. If you see that the condensation is between window panes, then contact us! You will want to replace the window, especially if you have older windows. With new technology you can have energy efficient windows that help to prevent heat and air conditioning loss in your home.

When Condensation is a Problem

Window condensation can cause a serious problem in your home. Condensation on your windows throughout the day could be a sign of a more serious problem. If you wipe the condensation off of the windows in the morning and more appears later in the day, this can mean that there is a problem that needs to be addressed by a reputable contractor.

Window condensation can lead to the following: bubbling/blistering paint, peeling wallpaper, discoloration of wood or paint, mold or mildew underneath the window sill or wall, or even a musty smell. Be sure to watch the humidity inside of your home to help prevent condensation from becoming a large problem.

How to Help with Condensation


If you use a humidifier in your home this often releases moisture into the air causing condensation to be worse. By turning down the humidifier, it will produce less moisture, which can help to reduce condensation. If this doesn’t help, consider purchasing a dehumidifier. This will help to remove any extra moisture in the air. While you may have turned down or completely turned off your humidifier, the moisture in the air can still cause condensation.


Be sure during showering and cooking that you are using your fans to help prevent any window condensation. Both of these tasks release a lot of moisture into the air, and during the cold months without open windows, it is trapped inside. You want to be sure you are using your fans when you cook or shower, and keep them running for about 15 minutes after you are finished.

Open Windows

Opening your windows can help the air to circulate throughout your home. You don’t want to keep the windows open too long during cold months and let too much of the heat escape, or you may have a large bill coming your way. But keeping your windows open for about 10 to 15 minutes can help to cool down the house a bit and keep condensation off of your windows. Releasing the warm, moist air in the house will help keep your windows and frames dry.

Contact the Experts for Help with Window Condensation

The moisture inside your house can be caused by many different factors including cooking, showering, plants, and other things that bring heat. While window condensation can be completely normal, you want to be sure you wipe off the windows to dry them when you see any condensation. Keeping your windows as dry as possible will help to prevent any future damage. If you are concerned about the amount of condensation in your home, contact us at Everlasting Window & Door!